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Yu-Ching Wang 王俞晴 桃紅計畫 Pink Project
Pink Project 桃紅計畫 

Performance and Art project
Project Dates: Every Thursday from May 30 to June 13, 2019
Project Location: Tainan National University of the Arts

計畫日期: 5/30-6/13的每個星期四
計畫地點: 國立台南藝術大學

It was a temporal project. Every Thursday from May 30 to June 13, thirty-five participants must wear pink T-shirts to appear on campus, who were students from various departments and a professor. They had the obligation to keep the project confidential during the plan. The pink they were wearing was the same color as the polo shirt uniforms of the cleaners in the school, which is the color that the cleaners decided on for their uniforms.
I considered there were three groups in this project. One was the cleaners, one was the participants wearing the pink T-shirts, and the other group was the bystanders who were not cleaners or participants. Because of different identities, each of the three groups provoked to have different psychological reactions during the project.






參與者 Participants:

王俞晴 Wang Yu Ching
賴柔樺 Lai Jou Hua
張榕庭 Chang Santiago
許尚媛Hsu Shang Yuan
蔡沛樺 Tsai Pei Hua
葉日檸 Yeh Jih Ning
廖于萱 Liao Yu Hsuan
顧世勇 Ku Shih Yung
劉赤陽 Lau Chik Yeung
范振霖 Fan Chan Lim
李佳蓁 Lee Jia Zhen
石孟鑫 Shih Meng Hsin
何佳寧 Ho Chia Ning
蘇哲緯 Su Che Wei
潘柏成 Pan Bo Chen
黃韋維 Huang Wei Wei
詹維欣 Znan Wei Shin
梁恩恩 Liang En En
林冠役 Lin Guan Yi
曾元禾 Tseng Yuan Ho
謝律丞 Hsieh Lu Cheng
謝咏奇 Hsieh Yung Chi
呂達泓 Lu Da Hung
許弘昇 Hsu Hong Sheng
周佳慧 Chou Chia Huei
顏珮珊 Yen Pei Shan
張峻碩 Jhang Jyun Shuo
李鈺君 Lei Iok Kuan
游斯婷 Yu Szu Ting
曾自由 Tseng Tzu Tu
鍾曉紋 Chung Hsiao Wen
孔宝重 Hong Po Chung
蔡瑞萍 Tsai Jui Ping

© 2022 by Yu-Ching Wang

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