'' Beautiful'' Painting
Performance and Installation
Performer: Veronica Coffie
Materials: canvas、heaters、spotlights
Performance Location: Pratt Institute
表演者: Veronica Coffie
媒材: 畫布、加熱器、聚光燈
地點: Pratt Institute
This work was in the winter, and the space was in a basement at Pratt Institute with bright sunlight shining through a large window. There was a woman dressed like a sunbather, lying on a blank canvas and illuminated by strong spotlights like a painting in a gallery. The woman’s movements were casual, sometimes lying down and resting, sometimes lying on her front and using her phone, but her body posture was beautiful and elegant, like a model. The performer could decide part of the dress style and the belongings. The black female performer brought Bell Hook’s "All About Love" into this work.
這是一件在藝術學院空間中進行的行為表演作品,一位黑人女性表演者身穿泳裝,躺在空白畫布上進行日光浴,表演者的動作看似日常且隨興,躺著享受陽光、翻閱書籍、滑著手機,但她的姿態優雅的如雜誌中的模特兒。在如陽光的聚光燈照射下,表演者像是畫廊裡的藝術品或是廣告中被拍攝的商品。表演者主動將Bell Hook的《All about Love》帶進作品中,似乎試圖回應自身身分在美國社會文化下的種種議題。